this hot summer, we all have seen numerous cola ads splashing our TV screens
and we certainly do not mind spending few bucks to buy any of these commonly available
soft drinks throughout the year. After all, these are easy available and certainly
our minds have imbibed these ads very silently in our lives. Our celebrities are endorsing it big time and why not so as cola companies pays a hefty fees to them.I am not saying
these are bad or harmful but these are definitely unhealthy. But once in a
while it’s ok to have, but do not make a habit.
human nature to get attracted to good looking finely packed loaded with attractive
pictures bottles and ignoring the best available natural drinks. I would say it
should be our first choice. Today I am writing about what I call it as the “NATURE’S TRUE MIRACLE” when I look at.
You will also believe me soon. I am 200 % sure that you had it this summer and
sometime off season as well. So let ditch
those fully loaded unhealthy soft drinks and switch to nature’s best gift to us” The Tender Coconut Water”
We all know it, have heard it and read it numerous times.
I remember my grandma having it regularly, season hardly mattered her. We have
certainly missed out how nature has made tender coconut water nourishing to us.
But please do not ever think it’s only for Indian though it is easily available
in India, especially in south India. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of tender coconut
water from any part of the globe. People living in humid countries like India and
those in Arab countries, tender coconut water is must as the nutrition’s found
in tender coconut water fight the heat.
Tender coconut water contains Vitamin B, protein
and Iron, minerals likes calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphoric acid. Consume
it in its natural form as we know any kind of so called amalgamation experiments
done with it will certainly destroy its natural elements. If you are on a diet
and a health conscious person, drive the health benefits out it as it just
contains 16 – 18 calories per 100 grams.
Benefits of tender coconut

Tender Coconut water is sweet and a little oily in nature, especially
recommended for all the people especially the old and sick who are suffering
from digestions.
Harmful Side effects of Tender Coconut Water – So far have not found any,
that’s why I call it as “NATURE’S TRUE
Love to hear from my reader so do leave you comments!
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