am here revealing the secret “Its water “yes you got it right “WATER “But first
lets understand why it so important to drink water while you are on a diet or
trying to lose weight.
weight loss is mainly due to loss of water. Drink plenty of water to avoid
dehydration. Burning calories create toxins, your body needs enough supply of
water functions efficiently, and dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.
you will find out how to drink enough water each day. Look in the tips to see
how not enough water can affect your everyday life.
- First, have a glass of water before you read this article.
- Second, Make sure you have a glass of water when you wake up in the morning, and before you go to bed
- Eat foods full of water. Watermelon, Celery, Cucumbers, and Lettuce are good healthy choices.
- Have a glass of water with all of your meals and snacks. That doesn't mean you can't have milk with dinner, or orange juice with breakfast, you can have both.
- Have a glass or two of water before AND after all of your workouts. When you exercise, you sweat out all the liquids in your body. It feels nice to replenish them with an ice cold glass water after workouts.
- Instead of having a soda or an alcoholic beverage at a restaurant, take control and have a glass of water
- When you feel hungry because of depression, or you’re bored, have a glass of water instead. Water can help satisfy your hunger, and it helps with salty food cravings.
- Every once in a while, you can reward yourself with a soda or a sugary juice box - just make sure you don't get a reward every night!

TIPS : All together you should
drink about 8 glasses of water a day. Here’s how water helps your everyday life.
gives your skin a special glow, helps you stay hydrated, and helps you maintain
a healthy weight, helps you lose weight. Water helps you stay full when you’re
hungry, and can satisfy your hunger for less junk food cravings.
Disclaimer : Some of the content have been taken from Wikihow.
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